Saturday, February 17, 2007

Ebay Express Heating Up? Time to Opt in?

Most people familiar with eBay know that eBay Express has not been quite the hit they thought it would be. It seemed to literally die in terms of traffic to the site and people pretty much gave up on it . Sellers, given an option to OPT OUT of eBay Express (have their items not appear there) were doing so (myself included) because of the strong evidence that sales were lower for store sellers when remaining opted in due to indexing and or other issues which were never really clearly determined. However.... Every dog has his day! Ebay Express seems to be pickign up lately. When I saw a sale from Express I did not think too much until we had 4 in one week. More than we had in months ! I then went to and noticed traffic perked up and was triple what it was just a few months earlier. The spike was somewhat short-lived but given that its make or break time for Express now I would consider opting in to Express. You can see our items here . Take a look to see how clean Express looks. The items we have been selling on Express seem to represent a different type of buyer. If you have any comments please post them! Thanks for reading this blog by the way soon we will have some cool new stuff here to show you! -Marty

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