Saturday, July 23, 2005

SELLING - Selling for others, some pretty cool stuff

On eBay, you can not only sell your own things, but you can also set yourself up as a trading assistant to sell things for other people. Friends, family and even other people that find you through eBay's directory of assistants. This is a good way to earn some income without having to buy product. eBay has some rules regarding being a trading assistant and you should have some experience before you start, and special care needs to be given to how you handle both the items you receive and to how you run your auction as far as pricing is concerned. For more go to , go to help and type in Trading Assistant.

Currently my wife Cheryl has some NY Yankees Derek Jeter signed merchandise for sale. A collector in our area needs to sell these since he lost his job. This stuff is pretty rare and the shirt is really rare. Take a look at the types of things that can come your way when you sell for others!

You can see these signed Jeter items in our eBay store at

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