Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Keep those Vintage Puzzles coming!

Recently we found another 20 year old sealed puzzle that just looked like an excellent Ebay item. It is of the Palace Gardens in Williamsburg and it is a two-sided puzzle! Brand new in package! When looking for puzzles that might sell well on Ebay, keep in mind some very basic hunting points. 1- Buyers like sealed puzzles so they know for sure (in most cases) the item is in great condition. 2- If the puzzle is not sealed, assemble it to show them it is complete 3- Does the puzzle image interest you? If so it might interest buyers 4- Look for odd puzzles like different shapes, two sided puzzles, glow in the dark aspects etc. Good luck hunting. Here is a picture of our recent two sided Eaton Puzzle from the 1980s we are currently selling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am almost positive I was at those gardens as a kid! WoW :)