Hey! This is one of the first times I have been excited in a while. We are having an excellent sales month and in sharing a lot of details with other sellers I have learned even more things to pass along. So if you are strolling in for the first time or just checking please keep checking back over the next few days at least so I can feed you some useful info.
If you have been reading you will know by now I have been using a traffic program that I started trying out in December. This month so far I have had 106 store sales and 29 CORE sales on eBay off a base of less than 600 items. That is probably the best eBay store item sales number I have had and our fees are running very low this month (ebay fee bill). Now I am doing a bunch of things, so Ill go over them all here...
1- I am opting in / out of Ebay Express every 7 days
2- I am bringing in 25k in hits a month using a traffic program. Allocated cost to this month $61.00
3- I have been using search engine submission sites and manually submitting this blog, my ebay store, my ebay store domain and my myspace to all of them I can find.
4- I cut back core auctions to 10 or less items a week and have had a decent sell through on those as well
That is the basic plan I am following. During the course of my research, I had the idea to try out some foreign traffic programs for the next month . I have not done so yet and will not mention any providers until I can get some info as I have not decided on which one to use yet and they are different than the first one I am using for US traffic. I asked a few questions and found out we , as eBay store owners have stores on other eBay sites if we sell to those countries! I never knew this! Let me give you links to our UK store and our Australia store...
This is something that I did not know, and which could be of value. I stumbled across this after asking some questions and figured we could list items on these other sites and point people to our stores in their country! As you know eBay policy makes it so you have to be clear on the location of your item as being in the US (if you are a US seller) and you should note any special concerns for those countries in terms of what you can ship there. Generally the UK and Australia are pretty easy , its other countries which are more difficult in this regard.
So I am actually going to look to not only promote my US url but the foreign ones as well and build up some knowledge of my store on these sites.
I started using the traffic program mentioned a few posts below on December 18th. I ran one program from Dec 12-Jan 12 and then another started Jan 18 and will run til Feb 18th. Some other people have started trying it out as well and I will report how things worked out for them . So far out of 3 other people I am familiar with 2 others (besides me) were fairly happy with it so far. One person directed the traffic to an off eBay website and had a poor result. As a result of her analysis of this I would not recommend the program for this purpose. My reasoning on this is that it is redirected traffic. This means people come to you after they looked for something else similar to what you sell. The eBay name gives these strangers to you a slight amount of thought that they are somewhere familiar or that they can rely on. So while 95% of your traffic will just click away I believe it helps turn a little more of whats left into buyers.
Another issue is that the seller who had a poor result sellers primarily a single product line. As such I would not recommend this for a single product. Remember the odds. 25,000 visitors maybe only 1000 will take a peek maybe only 30-50 will become buyers maybe less. If you sell a variety of items I feel you are more likely to do well with it. Also if you have a small store and not much in it yet, I would hold off on much traffic and search engine stuff until you stock up some. A larger store provides some if its own traffic as it gets indexed. You need this traffic to work with other sources to make things work. I am only offering these cautions as the best info I can offer , it could be be that your experience would be different.
I will be giving a full report when the month ends which is later tonight, so probably by some time tomorrow.
I will be reporting more on promoting the foreign URLs for our stores and I am going to start recommending some other resources that I have used like books I have read etc, in case people like those things. Right now I have a few in my store, the cheapest and most ebay related is the Grilled Cheese Madonna book whic talks about all the crazy eBay auctions and might give you some marketing ideas. I have a few other market specific books listed on the Tween market and Creating Ever- Cool how companies create brands that live on. Those are more general.
The comment section is open for others recomendations as well.
Another project I will be working on is creating a Squidoo lens for all our content and some new ideas . A good friend of mine (Sallie) who is featured way way down the blog (She sells some nice jewelry) has been working with Squidoo and doing and excellent job. Its time for me to get moving on it!
More sooon...
This is a blog about eBaying. About selling on eBay, buying on eBay, and about the eBay community worldwide! In addition to information on eBay in general you will see items highlighted from many eBay sellers including those in our store OnceUponaBid which you can get to by CLICKING HERE
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Use FREE Search Engine Submissions to Help Sell your EBAY items!
It does seem like lately, it has been all business and no fun pictures huh? LOL In any case another good marketing strategy today. This one costs ZERO! Many years ago before Google was huge and everyone thought about how they showed up in Google in the rankings, people worked hard on submitting their sites to as many search engines as possible. I have found this strategy still works today. There are more search engines than ever and even though the top ones still throw around the bulk of the traffic there are many small niche search engines that people stumble upon and can find your business in! Basically this will take you some time. So stop wasting time and have some tea, a cold drink or whatever you need and get to work! You need to go to Google, then to Yahoo and type in "free search engine submission" . You will be happy when you get a ton of results hey? Well , its not that easy. Many of these are just covers for charging you money so you have to dig through a little bit. Over the course of a few nights I found I could get coverage in 100 or more search engines then paid 5 bucks to pick up another 300 or so then I kept submitting anywhere that would take me. I noticed my small hits from odd domains increasing in my traffic reports.
While everyone looks for the "home run". Its often a matter of building a "web" of your business all around the web. For example. Right now you are reading my blog, I submitted that as well to search engines. I also submitted my myspace page. Submit anything you have that talks about you, especially if its rich in content. Remember the more you can talk the better!
To get you started here is a site which on the right side of the page you can start by submitting to 40 search engines free! http://www.submitexpress.com/ !! Keep in mind that you will receive some emails from this process. So if you do not want to clutter your box create a hotmail email or another email addy just to click on the confirmation notes etc. With 40 search engines its really not too bad but if you blast out there then it will get to be a bunch of mail!
Good luck and I promise some fun stuff is coming up! -
Just as a reminder. here are my sites
http://Onceuponabid.com <----Ebay store
http://Myspace.com/Onceuponabid <----Our Myspace with music and a slideshow that you can creat for your business as well!
http://www.worldofebay.blogspot.com <--- This blog that you are reading now. Save them all these are great places for great info
Also keep in mind the Accounting Software to get you ready for the Tax man by Roger in the banner below and also the hit program I am sampling out also shown a few posts below.
Coming up on the blog will be some information on something new I found ! International traffic! Time to grab some Europeans! Ill be back with more info! :)
While everyone looks for the "home run". Its often a matter of building a "web" of your business all around the web. For example. Right now you are reading my blog, I submitted that as well to search engines. I also submitted my myspace page. Submit anything you have that talks about you, especially if its rich in content. Remember the more you can talk the better!
To get you started here is a site which on the right side of the page you can start by submitting to 40 search engines free! http://www.submitexpress.com/ !! Keep in mind that you will receive some emails from this process. So if you do not want to clutter your box create a hotmail email or another email addy just to click on the confirmation notes etc. With 40 search engines its really not too bad but if you blast out there then it will get to be a bunch of mail!
Good luck and I promise some fun stuff is coming up! -
Just as a reminder. here are my sites
http://Onceuponabid.com <----Ebay store
http://Myspace.com/Onceuponabid <----Our Myspace with music and a slideshow that you can creat for your business as well!
http://www.worldofebay.blogspot.com <--- This blog that you are reading now. Save them all these are great places for great info
Also keep in mind the Accounting Software to get you ready for the Tax man by Roger in the banner below and also the hit program I am sampling out also shown a few posts below.
Coming up on the blog will be some information on something new I found ! International traffic! Time to grab some Europeans! Ill be back with more info! :)
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Using Myspace as an eBay Tool
Just a short post here to direct you to take a look at our Myspace for our eBay business. We have developed a basic site and used a filmloop to show a slideshow of our items and hook up with other eBayers. I highly recommend giving this a try as you can connect with other ebayers there and get some hits and sales. We are just in the initial stages of this project but wanted to show you the possibilities. Also , on Myspace you have "friends" if you click on some of mine you will see some more advanced possibilities as many people have done a great job with their sites. Here is a link to our myspace .... http://myspace.com/onceuponabid
Let us know what you think! -Marty
Let us know what you think! -Marty
Accounting, Record-keeping , Tax help for your eBay business!
Many eBayers have asked how the heck do we keep track of things we are selling on ebay? How do you know what you are making on your items and how to accumulate information for filing your taxes and figuring out if you are making money?
Well a good friend Roger has developed this program that you can get to from clicking the banner below. His solution which is always being updated takes you from soup to nuts through the process of accounting for your business. If you have been looking around for something that looks good, has the right feel and isnt overly expensive and does not charge a monthly fee this software might be right for you. He currently has two main programs one for accounting for your auctions business and one if you work selling items on consignment from others on eBay. We work with both programs and Roger will be stopping in her to the blog to talk more about them. You can take a peek at tons of screenshots to see how these work below! One great thing about these is if you do not have Microsoft Excel he has an open office version . OPen office is a free spreadsheet out there and Roger has a link to it on his site! So take a look at these programs , even if to just get a feel for what you might need to gather to get you info in order! They are also very inexpensive ! He is working on even more auctions solutions and will be posting here about them. Make sure to comment to let me know what you think! ... More soon!

Well a good friend Roger has developed this program that you can get to from clicking the banner below. His solution which is always being updated takes you from soup to nuts through the process of accounting for your business. If you have been looking around for something that looks good, has the right feel and isnt overly expensive and does not charge a monthly fee this software might be right for you. He currently has two main programs one for accounting for your auctions business and one if you work selling items on consignment from others on eBay. We work with both programs and Roger will be stopping in her to the blog to talk more about them. You can take a peek at tons of screenshots to see how these work below! One great thing about these is if you do not have Microsoft Excel he has an open office version . OPen office is a free spreadsheet out there and Roger has a link to it on his site! So take a look at these programs , even if to just get a feel for what you might need to gather to get you info in order! They are also very inexpensive ! He is working on even more auctions solutions and will be posting here about them. Make sure to comment to let me know what you think! ... More soon!
Friday, January 19, 2007
Update on Driving Traffic to our eBay Store
As I mentioned in some prior posts we are using a traffic program to build some off ebay traffic flow to our ebay store. Our first program ran from December 12th until Jan 12th and delivered 25,000 targeted hits choosing the main category of "Gifts" to our store.
We felt sales benefited from the program, we saw the traffic saw some click through and visits, but its hard to tell in the holiday season and while running a lot of core auctions how everything interplayed. We decided to try another program in January and overall since Jan 1 we changed our style to run LESS Core auctions , a lot less since they cost a lot of money to gain exposure. For those who do not know what core means. This is running fixed price or auction style listings at fees ranging from 70 cents on up to a few dollars or so for a weeks exposure on eBay. Store listings cost 6-10 cents a month by comparison.
In any case by running less core auction in January ( and average of less than 10 per week) we had HUGE store sales with just the traffic program running to Jan 12th, then a pause before starting the new program which took a few days then more sales since. We lucked out this month as the traffic selection we made was on a 50% off special. You can check here as this sale is going on til the end of the month I believe..

Now some people have written and heard that these programs are "rip offs" . It seems to me that a good chunk of these targeted hits are click in click outs. These are people searching for gifts and getting redirected because someones domain expired. However, we are getting a small percentage of people poking around in our store and buying. Sometimes the orders are better. Most of the time something catches their eye in these cases. Our store carries something for everyone so if it was just say a hunting fishing store, there might be less success unless of course you had targeted hits for that area.
Another thing I wonder about is when you bring hits in, does that change how search engines look at you? It seems as though other things improve as well.
Overall I think in the price range of the current sale of 25k in hits for 49 bucks its worth a try. I will be reporting more on the second program as we go along here as well.
Coming up in future posts I have some great info for you!
1- Tons of places to submit your site free across the net
2- How to use Myspace to generate some eBay traffic
3- Some great software to keep track of eBay sales and even Consignement eBay sales when selling for others!
So stay tuned for more!
We felt sales benefited from the program, we saw the traffic saw some click through and visits, but its hard to tell in the holiday season and while running a lot of core auctions how everything interplayed. We decided to try another program in January and overall since Jan 1 we changed our style to run LESS Core auctions , a lot less since they cost a lot of money to gain exposure. For those who do not know what core means. This is running fixed price or auction style listings at fees ranging from 70 cents on up to a few dollars or so for a weeks exposure on eBay. Store listings cost 6-10 cents a month by comparison.
In any case by running less core auction in January ( and average of less than 10 per week) we had HUGE store sales with just the traffic program running to Jan 12th, then a pause before starting the new program which took a few days then more sales since. We lucked out this month as the traffic selection we made was on a 50% off special. You can check here as this sale is going on til the end of the month I believe..
Now some people have written and heard that these programs are "rip offs" . It seems to me that a good chunk of these targeted hits are click in click outs. These are people searching for gifts and getting redirected because someones domain expired. However, we are getting a small percentage of people poking around in our store and buying. Sometimes the orders are better. Most of the time something catches their eye in these cases. Our store carries something for everyone so if it was just say a hunting fishing store, there might be less success unless of course you had targeted hits for that area.
Another thing I wonder about is when you bring hits in, does that change how search engines look at you? It seems as though other things improve as well.
Overall I think in the price range of the current sale of 25k in hits for 49 bucks its worth a try. I will be reporting more on the second program as we go along here as well.
Coming up in future posts I have some great info for you!
1- Tons of places to submit your site free across the net
2- How to use Myspace to generate some eBay traffic
3- Some great software to keep track of eBay sales and even Consignement eBay sales when selling for others!
So stay tuned for more!
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